Quality is always at the core of our business. Our customers know and value this.


From experience they know that HAWKE-MCT sealing systems meet, and in many cases even exceed, the industry's demanding quality standards.


At HAWKE-MCT we have introduced a quality program, which allows us to objectively measure and demonstrate the quality of our processes.


Our company is ISO 9001 certified.


HAWKE-MCT ensures reliable sealing systems with high quality and safety standards


All HAWKE-MCT sealing systems are subjected to thorough measurements and quality checks throughout the production process. Each finished sealing system is carefully inspected and tested in a final check. Critical components get an identification number, allowing us to trace them throughout their life span.


With our quality checks and programs in place, we can assure a consistent quality.


No matter whether you buy a pre-configured sealing system or order an engineered system, you can rely on the quality and safety of each and every sealing unit.











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